Friday, August 1, 2008


This part of Turkey has the most amazing landscapes we have ever seen anywhere. There was a giant volcano here over 1 million years ago. It threw up lots of rocks and ash. Then the rivers formed and carved the ash into the landscape we see now.

Dave at the caldera of the volcano that started it all.

There are places where the rock stands straight up into the sky like a tower. The Turkish people call these Fairy Chimneys.

Fairy Chimneys (in foreground)

Thousands of years ago, the people living here figured out that they could easily cut into this kind of rock because it is soft. They started carving their homes and other buildings right into the rock making these fancy caves. In some places they even carved down into the earth many levels deep and made entire underground cities.

People still live in these caves today (but not in the underground cities). In fact, the hotel we are staying in is build partially into one of these caves.

Note the carved homes circled in red.

Our Hotel - Luxurious compared with the homes above!

We have been hiking on top, climbing down into the underground cities, and early this morning took a hot air balloon ride.

Getting Ready for Lift Off

Many Balloons will make the flight together.

Lift Off!

Typical Cappadocian Landscape

Two of the "crew" having fun.

The pictures don't really do it justice.

They had prepared us for the fact that landing might be a bit bumpy - and it was. Our "basket" was knocked over on its side and dragged a bit but it was great fun and everyone was safe.

Beth exiting the balloon immediately after landing.

The veiw from behind the basket - note the scraped earth.


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